Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 06 - Intensive Pole Course!

This week I went to Campo Grande - MS to teach for a whole week!

Essa semana fui para Campo Grande - MS para ministrar aulas durante uma semana!

I had a great time and got to know some of typical food!

Me diverti muito e pude conhecer um pouco da comida típica!

Congratualations to all the students! You did it!

Parabens a todas as Lunas! Vocês conseguiram!

Monday, March 4, 2013

week 05 - Pole trip and TV show

This week I went to Ribeirão Preto to teach some workshops at Backstage studio!! We had an amazing time

Essa semana fui para Ribeirão Preto para dar uns workshops no Backstage Studio!! Nos divertimos demais!

After that, of Friday I had a TV shooting at Cristina Longhi's studio

Depois disso tive uma gravação para TV no Studio da Cristina Longhi